How to avoid the light leakage for the backlit Silicone rubber Keypads

How to avoid the light leakage for the backlit Silicone rubber Keypads


The Article share some tips and technique on how to avoid the light leakage for the backlit silicone rubber keypads

How to avoid the light leakage for the backlit Silicone rubber Keypads

The backlit silicone keypads look fancy and more and more client design their keypad with back light.

But the light leakage issue happens, If we can't solve this, the backlit will become a liability.

Here are some tips on how to improve the light leakage:

1, We can make the silicone in white color instead of transparency

This will make the light a little weakly ,but the light leakage will improve  a lot

translucency silicone keypad

2, We can add light-blockings 

This methods can totally avoid the light leakage, but the cost will increase a lot

conductive rubber keypad

Fromrubber keeping on improve technique and quality for silicone rubber products, if you have any question need to consult, please feel free to contact with us.